Bishop Creek Bridge Removal - July 2013
Bridge Over Troubled Waters? Not anymore. This summer the Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited partnered on a river restoration project with the Stream Watch Volunteer program. This project, in conjunction with the Kenai Peninsula Borough's Debris Removal program, set out to remove a washed out metal pedestrian bridge that was blocking fish access to healthy spawning habitat on Nikiski's Bishop Creek.
With permits in hand and private landowner access granted, KPTU volunteers were ready to restore fish access to Bishop Creek. In approximately 6 hours, 6 intrepid people braved the mos-quitoes and the off-road walk to remove established plants and 5 inches of mud from the bridge decking before cutting the bridge into manageable pieces so that it could be carried out of the riparian area and up to an ATV trail. From there the pieces were strapped to ATV trailers and transported out of the area. Within minutes of the bridge removal fish could be seen swimming upstream to previously inaccessible waters.
A huge thank you to the hardworking volunteers who donated their day to make a lifelong impact. For without volunteers this event would not have been possible.
If you are interested in making a difference with the Stream Watch program through a summer Trout Unlimited Stewardship Day, find KPTU on Facebook and check out upcoming KPTU newsletters for more opportunities.